After many years of thorough research, investigation and study, we discovered that there is a big void concerning the transcription of small or great esoteric experiences of spiritual Masters.
And this void is more apparent when we refer to the revelatory works that touch upon the mystical truth and its rendition in physical form (oral and particularly written).
In view of the fact that existing written records of spiritual experiences are few, extremely terse, hard to understand or unconnected with each other – and for the most part of little esoteric or spiritual depth – we thought that it would be useful to provide examples of spiritual occurrences found in the hyperconscious experiences of our Master Nikolaos A. Margioris that concern all of humanity and the course of its evolution which, through its gradual self-perfection, is ultimately guided towards them.
Because descriptions of such profound spiritual experiences (apart from or along with the presence of occult experiences) are few and far between, especially those accompanied by a rich analysis and an extensive unrivalled description, we deemed it imperative to collect them and to record them for everyone’s benefit.
Additionally, it is with certainty that we believe that prominence can and should be given, whenever possible, to the unwavering STANDARDS leading towards the ONE hyperconscious path of ascension and true spiritual ENLIGHTENMENT as well as to the everlasting qualities of THEOSIS which may be detected or at least mentioned. Because of this certainty, we make these highly valuable and interesting spiritual experiences public for the first time.